Un nouveau partenariat mondial : les positions de la société civile sur le cadre post-2015 pour les ODD [Anglais]

Titre original « A New Global Partnership: European Civil Society Positions on the Post-2015 Framework »

« 17. Business and industry should play a key role in the eradication of poverty and in the transition to sustainable production and consumption as providers of goods, services and good quality jobs and drivers for creativity, innovation and improved resource efficiency. In order to achieve these goals, governments should set up appropriate regulatory frameworks that will create a level playing field for sustainable businesses and an enabling environment for entrepreneurship and innovation. Possible measures include start-up facilities; scaling up existing good practices, the provision of technical assistance services, and training in core business skills. The conditions for doing business should be improved for SMEs in particular, since they have the greatest potential for creating good quality jobs and reducing poverty.

18. At the same time, participants highlighted governments’ responsibility for setting and enforcing social and environmental standards and ensuring corporate accountability, in addition to voluntary corporate social and environmental responsibility schemes such as the Global Reporting Initiative, the UN Global Compact principles and the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.Compliance with the ILO labour standards, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights is crucial to the success of poverty eradication and sustainable socio-economic development. Participants further called for EU support for international legally binding frameworks such as the Aarhus Convention and an International Court for Environmental Crimes.

19. Spending standards by national and local governments, banks and investment agencies should comply with clearly set ethical and sustainability criteria and favour a long-term perspective and green economy investments. Access to finance should be facilitated for women, people living in poverty, indigenous peoples and other marginalised groups, namely by universalising the availability of microcredit at affordable interest rates, and of micro-insurance.

20. Participants emphasised the importance of tackling corruption and illicit financial flows through the Post-2015 agenda, including by the setting of universal targets and national frameworks to prevent money laundering, tax evasion, and foreign bribery… »

Photo : site EuropeAid

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