Titre original en anglais : « Women in Business and Management: Gaining momentum »
Ce rapport et cet article sont en anglais, mais ils contiennent des données extrêmement riches et importantes pour comprendre la place des femmes dans les affaires, l’entreprenariat et le top management, sur les 5 continents. Voici l’article en anglais :
Reflecting Global Change for Women in Business and Management
« Its main messages are perhaps well known and hopefully accepted: women’s presence in the labour market is increasingly significant for economic growth and development and women represent an incredible talent pool which should not be ignored.
The good news is that a greater percentage of women earn their own income than in the past and work in a broader range of occupations.
Women are swelling the ranks of lower and middle managers in many regions, in some cases occupying more than 50% of all jobs. More and more, they’re also joining the ranks of entrepreneurs and are running their own businesses. Around 30% of businesses are now run by women.
However, even though there are more women leaders in business, statistically speaking the proportion of women CEOs and board members is still much lower than their participation in the labour market overall and in management generally. It’s especially low at big companies. Just 5 per cent of publicly traded firms have a woman at the helm. »
Rapport « Women in Business and Management: Gaining momentum »